Wednesday 10 March 2021

Alisha Dominated Part 1

Alisha Dominated by Alisha Sista

I've always had a fondness for women's clothing, dating back to when I was a young boy. For most of my life, I kept that under control, but, as I got older, the fascination only increased. After I got married, I discovered I had an entire wardrobe of women's clothes to try on whenever my wife wasn't around. Eventually, the fear that I might soil or tear something of hers and get caught pushed me to invest in my own female clothing, which I managed to keep hidden in the attic. Over time, I built up a nice collection of sarees , blouses , Cholis , skirts, panties, garterbelts, stockings, and even high heels and a wig. A flesh-colored body-stocking covered up my hairy legs and arms so that I didn't have to explain shaving them to my wife. When I added some artificial breasts and a dildo to play with, my collection was complete. Whenever Mandira was going to be gone for a few hours, I'd pull out my clothes and transform myself into my female alter-ego, Alisha. Of course, in my games, Always Alisha was a complete slut who wore only sexy sarees without blouse or miniskirts and lived to tease men to the breaking point before she finally sucked their cocks. When my wife was called out of town to care for her sick mother for a week, my imagination went wild. On Monday, the first day she was gone, I hurried home from work and quickly changed into Alisha . I spent nearly an hour applying makeup, then pulled on my garterbelt, stockings, bra, panties and my shortest miniskirt and blouse combo. When I stepped into my 5" heels, I thought I was going to cum instantly! I managed ot hold off the orgasm while I strutted around the house, reveling in the fact that I had an entire week to play. After a half hour or so, however, I couldn't fight it any longer and let myself experience a huge orgasm. After the glow started to wear off, I was laying there wondering what I could do that would be really special. The idea that followed nearly floored me: what if I went out in public dressed as Alisha? The thought was totally outrageous and frightening, but the more I thought about it the more enticing it became. Even though one orgasm a day was usually my limit, that night I jerked myself off to a second one thinking about walking in public in my miniskirt.

The next day at work, all I could think of was trying to figure out a "safe" way to do it. Slowly, a plan formed, and I actually began to think it might be possible. After work, I again dressed up, making sure my makeup was perfect, then had dinner and waited for night to fall. Once it was dark, I took a deep breath, grabbed a purse, and got into my car. I drove to an highway dhaba about 30 kms from my home. The dhaba was miles from everything, but there was a combination fast food and truckstop nearby that stayed open 24 hours a day. I reasoned that the place was not somewhere local residents went; the only traffic was from truckers or other travelers who got off the highway for a quick snack or a fill-up. That meant there was almost no chance of running into anyone who would recognize me, which fed my courage. Following my plan, I went through the drive-thru, ordering only a small Coke. When I approached the window, my heart was beating harder and faster than ever before. I handed the clerk my money and took the Coke, my fingers trembling. Even in the relative darkness, when his eyes widened, I knew he could see how short my skirt was. My anxiety kicked up even more until he said the one thing that absolutely made my night: "Thank you, ma'am, have a good night."

As I pulled away, I nearly screamed, "He called me ma'am! He thought I was a woman!" Even though I had thought that I did a good job with my makeup and looked passable, in the back of my mind I was afraid that I was only seeing what I wanted to see and that anyone else would see through my disguise. I was thrilled to discover that the clerk hadn't done that. Deciding to push my adventure even farther, I pulled into a parking place and sipped my Coke. When I had finished it, I looked around, checking the area. I was parked about 100 feet from the window of the burger joint and about 20 feet from the nearest trash receptacle. When I was certain no one was nearby, I opened the door and stepped out of the car. The blood rushed to my head and I could feel myself shaking. "I'm doing it!" I gasped. "I'm actually out of the car where people can see me!" I walked to the trashcan and pitched my empty cup, then turned and walked back to the car. As I did, I snuck a look toward the window and saw three guys who looked like college students sitting at a table, staring out at me! My first urge was to run back to the car, but I was afraid if I tried I'd fall off my heels, so I forced myself to walk casually. As I got near the car, I suddenly had an uncontrollable urge: instead of getting back into the car immediately, I went to the trunk and opened it, prolonging my exposure. Then, just for good measure, I bent over and pretended to be adjusting something in the trunk. The rush of air told me that my short skirt had ridden up and I knew that at least the tops of my stockings and possibly my panties were now visible to anyone looking out that window. I moaned softly, wondering if I was going to cum right there in the parking lot. Luckily, I was able to avoid that, and managed to get back into the car and drive off. Again, I fought the urge to hurry, afraid that I might get pulled over for speeding. When I did get home, it took me only about 30 seconds of jerking off to reach a huge orgasm. The next day at work was even worse than Tuesday had been—I kept replaying my adventure in my mind, thinking about those three guys watching me and wondering what they thought of the slut in the miniskirt they had been watching. It finally got so bad that I had to make a lame excuse about not feeling well and went home early. After stopping at an adult video store on the way and buying a couple shemale porn movies, the first thing I did when I got home was jerk off while watching one of them. The second thing I did was change into Alisha. Once again, by the time I finished my makeup and was dressed I had an erection. "Jesus," I whispered to myself, "I just had an orgasm! How can I be hard again already?" After cooking and eating dinner, I decided it was time to "whore it up" and spent some quality time licking and sucking my dildo. The entire time I did, I kept picturing the three guys who I had noticed the night before and imagining that my dildo was one of their cocks. It didn't take long for me to decide that I absolutely needed to pay another visit to what was now my favorite parking lot. Although the cautious side of me wanted to wait until dark again, the adventurous side decided that wasn't necessary. "The clerk saw me close up and thought I was a woman," I told myself, "and that was under the lights at the window. If I could pass then, I can pass now! There's no reason to wait!"

The next thing I knew, I was in my car, driving back to the truckstop. Once again, I hit the drive-thru window for a Coke, and, once again, the results were encouraging. A different clerk was in the window than the night before, but his reaction was just as exciting: as he handed me my Coke and change, he couldn't keep his eyes off of my legs. As I pulled away from the window, I glanced down and saw that in turning to hand him my money and take the Coke, my skirt had slid up exposing the tops of my stockings. "No wonder he was staring," I smiled to myself. "I hope he enjoyed the show." The parking lot was a little more crowded at this hour than it had been the night before, but I managed to find a parking place, barely noticing that it was much farther from the trash can than the other spot had been. I sipped at my Coke, allowing my excitement to build. When I finished, I made sure no one was around and stepped out of the car. My heart immediately started pounding yet again as I realized how many people there were in the burger joint who could look out and see me. I made my way to the trash can, deposited my empty cup and turned to go back to my car. As I did, a couple of men came out of the burger joint and started walking toward where I was parked. My heart skipped a beat and fear gripped me. Were they going to meet me there? What would I do? What would I say? Again I had to fight the urge to run, concentrating on breathing while I walked back to my car, keeping one eye on the men the entire time. When they stopped at a pickup truck two rows before they reached my car, I realized they weren't coming to meet me. I breathed a sigh of relief, but almost immediately also felt a pang of disappointment. The two men stood beside the truck talking, and I noticed both had keys in their hands. Apparently, they weren't traveling in the same vehicle, but had parked beside each other and were finishing their conversation before they got in their vehicles. The intelligent, cautious side of me was grateful that they hadn't actually been walking to my car and wanted to get in and drive away. Unfortunately, Alisha the Slut wasn't satisfied with that, and I discovered that she was the one in charge of my body. Following her desires, I walked to the trunk of my car and repeated the show I had put on the night before, bending over to reach deep into the trunk. The difference, I knew, was that the night before I had put on my little show after dark and with my audience 100 feet away in the restaurant. Now, although it was dusk, it wasn't yet dark and my audience was standing about 20 feet away! "I know they can see my panties," I thought as I leaned into the trunk. "They can see all of my legs, my stockings, my garters and my panties! Oh, God, what am I doing?" The answer flashed quickly into my head: "I'm putting on a show. I'm teasing them with my legs and ass. I bet I'm making their cocks hard! Jesus, Alishay, you're such a cocktease!" The Alisha part of me wanted to stay there, bent over and displaying my ass, but finally the rational side of me won a battle and I straightened up. I closed the trunk and walked to the door of my car, and, as I opened it, I could see the two men still standing by their vehicles, staring at me. "They saw it," I thought. "They saw the whole show! I hope they liked it!" I climbed into my car, aware that in doing so I was giving them one last look at my legs. I glanced in my mirror and saw them still staring, both with huge grins on their faces. "They did like it," I told myself. "I wonder what they're thinking. I wonder if they're thinking about fucking me. I wonder if they'd like me to suck their cocks." My entire body was tingling with excitement. "I bet they would," I breathed. "I bet they'd love to have me suck their cocks. God, would that be exciting! I bet they have really nice cocks." As I stared into the mirror, I realized they weren't getting into their cars. Instead, they were slowly moving towards me! Panic set in and I quickly started my car and pulled out of my parking spot. I sped away, leaving them staring at my car as I disappeared. Halfway home, my panic finally subsided and Alisha asked, "Why did I run away? Why didn't I stay? That was my chance to really suck a cock! In fact, it was a chance to suck two cocks! I could have done it! I know I could!" The fact that I could even think of such a possibility stunned me. Was there really a part of me that wanted to suck cock? Sure, I had played my whore role game with a dildo, but that wasn't like doing the real thing. I started shaking uncontrollably and didn't stop until long after I had parked the car and taken refuge at home.  

Of course, my little adventure did give me lots of fantasy fodder for jerking off the rest of the night, much to "Alisha's" pleasure. I watched both of my new videos, picturing myself in the starring roles with very little trouble. The experience and the vibrant memories also made it nearly impossible to concentrate at work on Thursday. Once again, I rushed home after quitting time, changed clothes and put on my makeup, eager to spend another evening as my favorite slut. And, once again, I was so excited that I couldn't even wait for dark; by 8:00 I was out cruising, and it was still light out when I got to the interstate. I followed the same routine I had the night before. I was actually a little disappointed that there was no audience quite as close as the night before and that I had to content myself with putting on a show for the people inside. As I climbed back into my car, I sighed, "Well, no cock for Alisha tonight. Too bad." Despite the let down, my fantasy world wasn't affected—when I got home I simply made up a more satisfying memory, imagining that I had let a stranger get close enough to hit on me. Of course, in my dream world, I accepted his advance and ended up on my knees behind the truckstop giving him a blowjob. By the time my fantasy lover blew his load in my mouth, my own dick was soaking my panties with cum.

On Friday, I was even more worthless at work. Literally, the only thing I could think of was the fact that in a few hours I was going to be able to change into Alisha and not have to change back for an entire weekend. My poor dick was hard all day, and I couldn't help thinking about the Cialis warning: "For an erection lasting more than four hours seek medical help." I smiled to myself, thinking, "The only medical help I need is a good-looking doctor to fuck my mouth." As soon as I got home, I surrendered to my needs and jerked off. I wasn't surprised in the least that even after a huge orgasm my rod stayed hard; there was no way it was going to shrink until I made my evening visit to the truckstop. Wanting to prolong the fun, and knowing I had all weekend to play, I forced myself to cook dinner. I ate without even tasting the food and hurriedly washed the dishes, thinking "even a slut like me has to do housework before she can go get laid." As I approached the truckstop, I felt a surge of courage. "I think it's time to step up the excitement," I told myself. "No drive-thru tonight." I pulled into the parking lot and this time went straight for a parking space near the door to the Dhaba portion of the building. "I can't do this," I heard myself whisper. "Sure you can," Alisha responded. "You're a sexy bitch. Now get your ass in there and have fun." Grabbing my purse, I got out of the car and determinedly walked into the Dhaba. As I walked around the various displays, at least a dozen men eyed my long legs and short skirt, and once again I started fantasizing about what I could do to please them. When I felt my lust getting out of control, I decided it was time to leave, and I headed for the door.

I was halfway out when I heard a voice say, "Ali? Ali? Oh my God, it is you!" My eyes immediately jerked in the direction the voice was coming from, and, to my total shock, I was face to face with my wife! "What the fuck!" she gasped. "What are you doing here dressed like that?"

At that moment, I could only think of one response: I ran to my car, jumped in and drove off. I was in a total state of panic the whole way home; tears ran down my cheeks while I desperately tried to think of a way to explain what Mandira had seen........

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